This is my latest addition to my painting blog.
I managed to get a few regular visitors (oh yeah?! how many?!) to my RnB (i.e. 'rants & blabbering' , more sophisticatedly called mind treads) blog, but not that many to my painting blog, which is quite surprising - to me, my paintings are of better quality than my 'r&b'.
Is it that people fail to notice the additional links on the side?! Or they get too tired by the time they finish taking a 1-min ride of my rnb blog?! Or do they consider the blog to be a 'RnB' with the only advantage of it being a visual one?!
Anyway, some generous spirits like Smyta had shown signs of visiting the blog and had brought it to my notice that the comments section is not enabled.
So, I've enabled comments in all my posts now - so whatever it is that you feel, r (rubbish) or b (brilliant), you're welcome to share with me..
Click on the painting to visit the blog..